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Can Dogs Eat Taro Root or Poi? Is Taro Safe for Dogs?

can dogs eat taro root

The right diet is integral to every living being. Whether we are selecting a diet for ourselves or for our canine companions, it must be safe and healthy for them. Presently, people are more focused on the same and are ready to try fruits and veggies with good carbohydrates and high nutritional value. Likewise, taro, or Colocasia esculenta, is considered by them.

If you have probably heard about Taro, due to its nutritional values, thought of giving it to your dog too. Let’s discuss it and understand whether it is safe for dogs or not.

What Is Taro?

what is taro root

Taro, or Colocasia esculenta, is a vegetable that is available in the form of a root-like corm. This is a particular ingredient for a variety of cuisines and serves multiple health benefits too. As compared to other root vegetables, it is much healthier. People eat it on a regular basis because it can be served as both a savory dish and a fried snack.

Taro, or Taro root, is widely available, and one can easily find it near their local stores. Also, don’t get confused as taro or taro roots are the same. It promotes some additional benefits too, like:

  • Improves digestion.
  • Control your blood sugar levels.
  • Promotes heart health
  • Reduce your risk of cancer, and so on.

But these benefits are not the same for every living being, especially dogs. If you are considering taro as dog food, hold on and do a bit of research. Here we are helping you out. Let’s start!

Can Dogs Eat Taro Root?

Taro Root for dogs is a big NO to Taro Root for dogs. This is highly toxic to them due to the presence of different elements in it, like calcium oxalates, which are a major contributor to kidney stone formation in dogs. Along with that, being toxic to dogs leads to other health conditions too. These are:

  • Oral irritation
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Excessive drooling
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Vomiting
  • Diminished appetite

Thus, it is right to conclude that, in general, taro consumption is not a safe option for dogs and leads to “taro poisoning.”

Is Taro Poisonous To Dogs?

Yes, taro is poisonous to dogs and will lead to different health conditions. Though this will not be fatal, recovery does take time. Also, do understand that if you have not paid attention to the changes happening in your canine body, recovery will be impossible.

You must understand how taro consumption is poisonous to dogs. Well, taro has insoluble calcium oxalate in it that releases into the mouth after consumption and tears the soft lining of the mouth, leading to different oral conditions and gastrointestinal issues.

Like taro root, some other veggies belong to the same class and need to be avoided in the case of dogs. Also, if you believe that you cannot give it to dogs in raw form but that it is safe to give in cooked form, you are mistaken. We are here discussing Poi.

Can Dogs Eat Poi?

can dogs eat poi
Source: Wikipedia

Poi is a food paste, greenish in appearance, used in those areas where taro root is a part of a staple diet. Apart from Taro people also use other starchy vegetables but sometimes taro root is a major ingredient for preparing it. But if you are thinking of giving it to your canine friend, do understand it is not safe at all. Only the state is changing. All other properties are the same. Also, do not think of serving Poi to dogs with any additional seasoning or vegetables because it will worsen the case.

If your dog ate taro root, what should you do?

Unfortunately, if your dog has consumed Taro toot, don’t be late in reaching out to the veterinary doctor. In most cases, the condition is immediately observable, and you can tell the doctor everything that you have witnessed during the same episode.

If your dog puked anywhere in the house, bring the sample with you for better results because it will aid the doctor in diagnosing the problem and determining what steps to take based on the dog’s condition.

Be sure to tell the doctor about the complete incident you witnessed because there is no particular diagnosis test available to determine taro poisoning. Whatever you tell the doctor will help them to conclude how to move ahead with the treatment. Initially, they analyze the condition of the mouth to know the impact of insoluble calcium crystals on it. They will use an endoscope for the same purpose.

Recovery from Taro Poisoning

If your dog suffers from taro poisoning, it is integral for you to be sure during the recovery period. The recovery period will be somewhere between 5–12 days, and the rest depends on the immunity system of your dogs.

If, even after following the right precautions, they are not responding to treatment, do visit the veterinary doctor again.

What are alternative vegetables to taro for dogs?

Well, if you are in confusion about vegetables that can act as an alternative for dogs, do consider the below-mentioned ones:

Bell pepper

Bell peppers are an excellent option for dogs because it is high in Vitamin C and can be served to dogs in small slices. There will be no need for you to even boil the water. Also, do not forget to wash it before feeding it to them.


Well, if you are looking for a veggie high in fiber, vitamins, and other essential nutrients, choosing broccoli could be the best and safest option. But be sure of the quantity as it has isothiocyanates in it, which may lead to gastrointestinal issues in dogs.

Brussels sprouts

A moderate amount of Brussels sprouts is a safe option for dogs. It has manganese, potassium, and some other nutrients in it. It is also helpful in protein digestion and nerve and muscle functioning. Also, be sure to cut it into small pieces and cook it without seasoning, as it may cause choking if fed raw and in big pieces.

Butternut squash

Butternut squash is a good source of Vitamin A and carotenoids for dogs. Its consumption promotes good eyesight. But be sure to remove the seeds and skin before serving it to your dog and cook it without seasoning.


Cabbage is a safe option for dogs and is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and K., But in high quantities, it is not recommended due to the presence of isothiocyanate. Be sure to cook it properly to lessen its effect. If a dog has consumed it in high quantities, they may suffer from thyroid and gastro issues too.


Carrots are also among the best treats for dogs. These promote good eyesight and will not make them hungry for long durations of time. You can feed this to your dog in raw and cooked forms, but that too, without any additional seasoning. Also, if fed to dogs in moderation, these will fulfill their daily requirement of sugar too.


If your dog frequently suffers from constipation, celery is one of the best options for them. This one is a low-calorie snack you can give to them. Maybe your dog will not like the taste, but don’t ignore the other health benefits related to it.

These are just some of the alternatives that we have presented to you. You can check out the post we have created on vegetables for dogs and get a clear idea of the best vegetables you can feed them.

Tip: While choosing vegetables for your dog, be sure of the quantity because higher quantities can lead to different health conditions. Also, be sure of your dog’s taste too. Some dog breeds are very particular about their food and do not like to compromise on it.


Taro is not a safe option for dogs as it can lead to health issues. But there are some other alternatives available which one can choose for them. Unfortunately, if your dog has consumed it, do reach out to the doctor immediately so that things can be controlled.

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